Safeguarding Policy
Sycamore Hall Preparatory School
Safeguarding Policy
Document Type Policy
Title of document Safeguarding Policy
Policy Reviewed: 15th September 2023
Policy Amended: 15th September 2023
Policy seen by all Staff: 18th September 2023
Maintained By Deputy Head teacher
Next Review Date 18th September 2024
Copy held Policy folders
It is the Local Authority intent that ALL educational establishments will be effective
for safeguarding.
This policy has been developed in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Education Act
2002 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. This policy reflects the statutory
requirements within Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (KCSIE) and Doncaster Children’s
Safeguarding Partnership (DSCP) local policy and procedures. It also considers local lessons learned to
ensure all children, young people and families in Doncaster are supported.
• Purpose
• Supporting documents
• Revision History
• Important Safeguarding Contacts
• Introduction
• Safeguarding definitions
• Terminology
• Procedures
o Headteacher/Principal role
o DSL/DDSL role
• Child Protection procedures
• Safeguarding Issues (including local issues and guidance) – please note these are listed in
alphabetical order.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
to protect children and young people at Sycamore Hall Preparatory School from harm.
to provide staff and volunteers, as well as children and young people and their families, with
the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection.
This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Sycamore Hall Preparatory School, including senior
managers, paid staff, volunteers, sessional workers, agency staff and students.
Supporting Documents
This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies, procedures, guidance, and
other related documents:
• Managing allegations against staff and volunteers
• Code of conduct for staff and volunteers
• Behaviour
• Safer recruitment
• Online safety
• Anti-bullying
• Complaints
• Whistleblowing
• Health and safety
• Managing medicines/Intimate Care
• Mental Health
• Attendance/Children missing in Education
This policy comes into force on 1st September 2023 in line with KCSIE regulations.
Published guidance can be found at the link below:
Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
Important Safeguarding Contacts
Name, email and contact no.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Susan Nicklin
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Helen Grassi
Contact for Operation Encompass Susan Nicklin
Online Safety Lead Susan Nicklin
Mental Health Lead Susan Nicklin
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Allegations against adults working with children
referral form (LADO) - City of Doncaster Council
Milovan Orlandich
01302 737332
Helen Myers
01302 737332
Safeguarding Adviser – Local Authority Jo Howe
01302 736975/07816353019
Children’s Social Care
Safeguarding concern - child at risk report form -
City of Doncaster Council
01302 737777
Out of hours Children’s Social Care 01302 796000
Professionals line – Social Care 01302 737033
Early Help Coordinators
Early Help - What is it in Doncaster? - City of
Doncaster Council
01302 736250
Parent and Family Support Services (PAFSS) Central – 01302 862680
North – 01302 737994
East – 01302 737686
South – 01302 735907
Your Place, Your Family
Your Place Your Family Teams | Doncaster
Safeguarding Children Partnership (
Central – 01302 736409
North – 01302 736787
East – 01302 736336
South – 01302 736644
Virtual School
Virtual School Children in Care team - City of
Doncaster Council
01302 737880
Child Missing in Education (CME) 01302 735311
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) 01302 737200
Prevent Emergency – 999
Non-emergency 101
Council contact: Rachael Long – Crime &
Community Safety Theme Manager 01302
Local Police – PCSO link
School Nursing Service Single Point of Contact – 01302 566776
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we believe that:
• children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
• we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe
and to practise in a way that protects them.
We recognise that:
• the welfare of children is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take
• working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is
essential in promoting young people’s welfare
• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or
sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
• some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their
level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
• extra safeguards may be needed to keep children who are additionally vulnerable safe from abuse
• we have a responsibility under section 175 of the Education Act 2002, Working Together to
Safeguard Children 2018 and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 to ensure that the welfare
of children is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take
We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:
• valuing, listening to and respecting them.
• appointing a designated safeguarding lead (DSL) for children and young people and a deputy
designated safeguarding lead (DDSL) .
• adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures, and code
of conduct for staff and volunteers.
• developing and implementing an effective online safety policy and related procedures.
• providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support, training, and
quality assurance measures so that all staff and volunteers know about and follow our policies,
procedures, and behaviour codes confidently and competently.
• recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made.
• recording and storing and using information professionally and securely, in line with data protection
legislation and guidance.
• having a professional responsibility to share information with other relevant agencies in order to
safeguard children/pupils. (as per the school’s confidentiality policy)
• Sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with children and their families via
leaflets, posters, group work and one-to-one discussions.
• making sure that children, young people, and their families know where to go for help if they have
a concern.
• using our safeguarding and child protection procedures to share concerns and relevant information
with agencies who need to know, and involving children, young people, parents, families, and carers
• using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately.
• creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and ensuring that we have a policy and
procedure to help us deal effectively with any bullying that does arise.
• ensuring that we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures in place.
• ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for our children, young people, staff, and
volunteers, by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory
• building a safeguarding culture where staff and volunteers, children, young people, and their
families, treat each other with respect and are comfortable about sharing concerns.
Safeguarding definitions
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children are defined for the purposes of this policy as:
• Protecting children from maltreatment
• Preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
• Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and
effective care, and
• taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
(Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 HM Government)
Working together to safeguard children - GOV.UK (
More information around aspects of safeguarding and potential issues can be found within KCSIE
2023 Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) - the named
person for safeguarding in education establishments.
LADO – Local Authority Designated Officer – deals with any allegation against any member of staff in
a public setting.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children - refers to the process of protecting children
from abuse or neglect, ensuring that children growing up in circumstances consistent with the
provision of safe and effective care and undertaking that role to enable those children to have
optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.
DSCP - Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership
Child Protection - refers to the process undertaken to protect children who have been identified as
suffering or being at risk of suffering significant harm.
Staff - refers to all those working for or on behalf of the school/setting in either a paid or voluntary
Child - refers to all young people who have not yet reached the age of 18.
Parent - refers to birth parents and other adults who are in a parenting role – stepparents, foster
parents, carers and adoptive parents.
The Headteacher/Principal of Sycamore Hall Preparatory School will:
• Ensure there is a named DSL who has undertaken the appropriate training, has their DSL role in
their job description as outlined in KCSIE and is given appropriate time to conduct their duties as
• Recognise the role of the DSL and ensure supervision and ongoing training.
• Ensure every member of staff knows:
o the name of the designated person and deputies and his/her role
o that they have an individual responsibility for referring safeguarding and child
protection concerns using the proper channels and in a timely manner
o the definitions of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual and neglect)
o understand the signs and indicators of abuse and understand the role of Early Help in
supporting children and families.
• Ensure that members of staff are aware of the need to be vigilant in identifying signs of abuse at
the earliest opportunity and know how to respond to and support a child/young person who may
disclose abuse.
• Ensure that parents/carers understand the safeguarding responsibility of staff.
• Ensure that children/young people in our setting know the name of the DSL/DDSL and his/ her
• Ensure that relevant topics will be included within Relationships Education (for all primary pupils),
and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all
primary and secondary pupils). When teaching these subjects, we will have regard to the statutory
guidance Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education - GOV.UK ( also
see KCSIE 2023 for more information and further useful links to support the curriculum.
• Provide/arrange appropriate safeguarding training (including Prevent) for all staff at the point of
induction and renewed as required thereafter. This will include sharing at least part 1 of KCSIE at
the point of induction and start of each academic year.
• Ensure all staff receive safeguarding and child protection updates throughout the year (for
example, via e mail, e-bulletins, and staff meetings).
• For children/young people subject to a Child Protection Plan, in addition to normal procedures,
we will notify the named social worker if:
o we should have to suspend a child/young person either for a fixed term or
o there is an unexplained absence of more than two days duration
• work to develop effective links with relevant agencies and co-operate as required with their
enquiries regarding child protection matters, including staff attendance at initial child protection
case conferences (ICPCC’s), core groups and child protection meetings
• ensure written reports are provided for ICPCC’s and child protection meetings in a timely manner
• keep records of any concerns about children/young people (noting the date, event and action
taken) on Incident/Concerns Form.
• ensure all records are kept secure in locked locations and in compliance with the setting’s Data
Protection Policy
• ensure policy and procedures are adhered to when dealing with allegations against staff including
making a timely referral to the LADO when required.
• ensure referrals are made to the Disclosure and Barring Service where appropriate.
• ensure that we follow the Safer Recruitment legal requirements as set out in KCSIE and that
appropriate staff are trained in Safer Recruitment. Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK
• Inform shortlisted candidates that online searches may be done as part of pre-recruitment checks.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) will:
• ensure each member of staff has access to and understands the setting’s child protection policy
and procedures.
• function as a source of support, advice and expertise for all staff.
• ensure staff are aware of training opportunities and the latest local policies on local safeguarding
• function as a point of contact with the safeguarding partners, ensuring contact can be made
during the school holidays.
• consult with staff on matters of safety and safeguarding and welfare.
• ensure this policy is reviewed annually (as a minimum) and the procedures and their
implementation are updated and reviewed regularly.
• promote supportive engagement with parents and/or carers in safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of children, including where families may be facing challenging circumstances.
• work with the headteacher/principal and relevant strategic leads, taking lead responsibility for
promoting educational outcomes by knowing the welfare, safeguarding and child protection
issues that children in need are experiencing, or have experienced, and identifying the impact that
these issues might be having on children’s attendance, engagement, and achievement. This
o ensuring that the setting knows who its cohort of children/young people who have or
have had a social worker are, understanding their academic progress and attainment,
and maintaining a culture of high aspirations for this cohort, and;
o supporting teaching staff to provide additional academic support or reasonable
adjustments to help children/young people who have or have had a social worker
reach their potential, recognising that even when statutory social care intervention has
ended, there is still a lasting impact on children’s educational outcomes.
• Take lead responsibility for understanding the filtering and monitoring systems and processes in
place to support online safety within the setting.
For a full description of the role of DSL/DDSL see KCSIE 2023
Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
Child protection procedures (including Early Help)
• If there are concerns that a child has experienced or is at risk of suffering significant harm, the
DSL/DDSL will consult with Doncaster Children’s Social Care, making an online referral or in an
emergency, reporting to the police.
• Parents/Carers can contact Children’s Social Care on 01302 737777.
• For advice relating specifically to concerns around the mental health of a child/young person,
advice can be provided by ringing the Mental Health Specialist Advice Line 01302 796191.
• All staff are aware of MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub). The Early Help Enquiry through
MASH has been established to improve communication, information sharing and to support
more effective delivery of services where there is a need. All enquiries are triaged by a Social
Worker, where threshold for Early Help is clear, contacts will be screened within the Early Help
Hub, where threshold is unclear the MASH process will be used.
• All staff are aware that Early Help is not a service, but a way of thinking and working. It is a
collaborative approach between services and families that provides support as soon as a need
is identified. When a child or family is not achieving all outcomes within the Early Help
Outcomes Framework, Early Help will be offered to support them to reach those outcomes.
Early Help | Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership (
• MASH is a multi-disciplinary team with two main functions:
o Providing information, advice and guidance to professionals who have queries
about children who may need a coordinated early help response or a social care
o Screening all early help enquiry forms to ensure an appropriate level of response
for the child and family.
The team is available from 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, and telephone messages will be
responded to within one working day. Telephone: 01302 734110 for Early Help enquiries or for
urgent social care enquiries 01302 737033.
• The DSL/DDSL will act as Lead Professional where this is appropriate for the family.
Safeguarding Issues – including local issues and guidance
Anti-Bullying including Child-on-Child abuse, Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ and staff in our
setting recognise that children and young people are capable of abusing other children and young
people (including online). All our staff are clear about the policy and procedures regarding antibullying, child on child abuse, sexual violence and sexual harassment.
We are aware of the recently re-launched Anti-Bullying Charter Mark with the City of Doncaster
Council and as a school will commit to working towards these standards.
Staff are aware of and follow the statutory guidance in KCSIE 2023 on how schools should respond to
all signs, reports and concerns of child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment, including
those that have happened outside of the school or college premises, and/or online.
Useful links
Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
Working together to safeguard children - GOV.UK (
What is sexual consent? | Rape Crisis England & Wales
Child Exploitation (Child Criminal Exploitation and Child Sexual Exploitation)
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that child exploitation is a form of abuse. We
understand that children/young people often trust their abuser and do not know that what is
happening is wrong, or they feel they are unable to tell anyone due to fear, intimidation, and
violence. We recognise that we all have a role to play to spot the signs and help keep children/young
people safe. All our staff are clear about the policy and procedures with regards to child exploitation
and will report concerns to Doncaster Children’s Social Care
Useful links:
Exploitation | Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership (
Child Sexual Exploitation (
Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC
Child sexual exploitation - City of Doncaster Council
Child exploitation disruption toolkit - GOV.UK (
Here to support young people. | DCST EPIC (
Stop child exploitation - SYP (
In Doncaster, a Third-Party Intelligence Form (not a referral form) is in place. The DSL will complete
this form and pass to the police should low level concerns emerge that may indicate CE.
Party%20Report%20for%20In telligence%20(2).docx
Child Victims of Trafficking and/or Modern-Day Slavery
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that 'Trafficking of persons' means the
recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use
of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a
position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of
a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
'Modern slavery' is a form of organised crime in which individuals including children and young people
are treated as commodities and exploited for criminal and financial gain. It encompasses human
trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced labour.
Children of all ages are affected and can be trafficked into, within ('internal trafficking'), and out of the
UK for many reasons and all forms of exploitation.
Parents, carers, or family members may exploit children and young people. Often the child or young
person will not realise that family members are involved in the exploitation.
Modern slavery and trafficking are child abuse, and any potential victim of child trafficking or slavery,
servitude, or forced or compulsory labour should immediately be referred to Children's Social care, as
they may be suffering significant harm.
Children Missing Education (CME)
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that all children/young people, regardless of their
circumstances, are entitled to an efficient, full-time education which is suitable to their age, ability,
aptitude and any special educational needs they may have.
We also recognise that being absent as well as missing from education can be a warning sign of a
range of safeguarding concerns, including sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or child criminal
We will comply with our statutory duty to inform the Local Authority of any child/young person
identified as CME following the DSCP procedures and statutory guidance outlined in children missing
education – statutory guidance for local authorities 2016.
Useful links:
Children Missing Education (
Children missing education - GOV.UK (
CME Policy January 2020.doc (
Microsoft Word - CME Procedures June 2020 V2.docx (
See Attendance Policy
Children in Care (CIC)
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that children in care are likely to have experienced
some form of abuse, neglect, or trauma prior to entering care and be living with those consequences.
Children in care are given the highest priority within school admission arrangements and we are
guided by the requirements set out in the school admissions code School admissions code - GOV.UK
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we have a Designated Teacher (DT) who is responsible for
championing the needs of children in care in our school, Mrs Susan Nicklin.
Dangerous Dogs
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we are aware of the Dangerous Dogs Practice Guidance and the
definition of dangerous dogs as follows:
The Dangerous Dogs Act (1991) prohibits persons from having in their possession or custody dogs
belonging to types bred for fighting, enables restrictions to be imposed in relation to other types of
dogs which present a serious danger to the public and makes further provision for securing that
dogs are kept under proper control.
More information can be found here - Dangerous Dogs Practice Guidance (
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School any member of staff who becomes aware of a dog that could be
prohibited or considered dangerous should use the Assessing Dogs which may pose a risk to children
checklist. dogs_pose_risk_ch_risk_assess.docx (
We will also collect the following information:
The dog's name and breed;
The owner's details;
The reason for keeping the dog and information about other family members, particularly
young children.
This information will then be shared with the Police and/or the Children's Social Care without delay.
Where there is a report of a child/young person having been injured by a dog (or exposed to the risk
of injury/significant harm either directly due to the dog’s behaviour or indirectly due to the dog’s
impact on hygiene in the home) a referral to Children's Social Care will be considered. In deciding
whether to make a referral, consideration will be given to:
The nature of the injuries;
The circumstances of the attack / incident;
Whether the parents or dog owner sought medical advice;
Whether the dog has previously shown any aggression; and
What action the pet owner has taken to prevent a recurrence of any attack.
If staff have reason to believe that a dog in the household is prohibited or presents a risk to a
child/young person, the Police and/or Children's Social Care will be contacted immediately.
Useful links
14865_proof_4LR_WEB.pdf (
Dog Help and Advice | Dogs Trust
Pet advice | Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
Safe and Sound Award Scheme | Dog training | The Kennel Club
Domestic Abuse
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that prolonged or regular exposure to domestic
abuse can have a serious impact on a child's/young person’s development and emotional well-being,
despite the best efforts of the non-abusing parent to protect the child.
Domestic abuse impacts on children/young people in a number of ways. The impact of domestic
abuse is likely to be exacerbated when combined with any form of substance misuse or mental ill
For children/young people living in situations of domestic abuse, the effects may also result in
behavioural issues (including anti-social behaviour), absence from school, difficulties concentrating,
lower school achievement, ill health, bullying, substance misuse, self-harm, running away, anti-social
behaviour, depression and anxiety and physical injury.
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School if we become concerned that a child/young person is suffering
or is at risk of suffering significant harm, we will make a referral to Children’s Social Care. We will
ensure that children/young people in our setting receive the appropriate support and will use the
Domestic and Sexual Abuse Toolkit for Education to identify abuse and teach about healthy
We are aware of the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) process and work with the
Local Authority to ensure relevant information is shared in respect of children in our school who are
linked to those being discussed at the MARAC panel.
Useful links
Domestic Abuse - City of Doncaster Council
Domestic Abuse Protocol - City of Doncaster Council
MARAC - Doncaster Council
Elective Home Education (EHE)
The overall aim is for all children and young people in Doncaster to have the opportunity to fulfil their
potential through access to a suitable education appropriate to their age, ability, and aptitude
(section 7, The Education Act, 1996)
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we respect that parent’s may decide to educate their
children/young people at home. However, we recognise that home education can mean some
children are less visible to the services that are there to keep them safe and supported in line with
their needs.
If we become concerned that a child/young person is suffering or is at risk of suffering significant
harm, we will make a referral to Children’s Social Care.
Useful links
Educating your child at home - City of Doncaster Council
EHE Policy January 2020.docx (
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Breast Ironing (or flattening)
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that FGM is illegal in the UK and section 5B of the
Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 places a statutory duty upon teachers, along with social workers
and healthcare professionals, to report to the police where they discover FGM appears to have been
carried out on a girl under 18. We also recognise that this does not replace safeguarding children
actions, therefore a referral will also be made to Children’s Social Care.
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School all staff have received FGM awareness training as part of the
whole school safeguarding training.
We also recognise that Breast Flattening is child abuse, illegal and as with female genital mutilation it
is pre-pubescent girls that are most at risk.
Useful links
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) (
Mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation: procedural information - GOV.UK (
Female Genital Mutilation - Prevent & Protect | NSPCC
Forced Marriage
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that, in a forced marriage, one or both spouses do
not consent to the arrangement of the marriage and some elements of duress are involved. Duress
can include physical, psychological, financial, sexual, and emotional pressure. Forced Marriage is an
abuse of human rights and, where a child is involved, an abuse of the rights of the child.
Where there are concerns about the welfare or safety of a child/young person, we will report this
immediately to Children’s Social Care.
Useful links
Forced Marriage (
HM Government Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of Forced Marriage
Honour Based Abuse
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that Honour based Abuse is a collection of
practices, which are used to control behaviour within families or other social groups to protect
perceived cultural and religious beliefs and/or honour. Such violence can occur when perpetrators
perceive that a relative has shamed the family and / or community by breaking their honour code.
For young victims it is a form of child abuse and a serious abuse of human rights.
Any suspicion or disclosure of violence or abuse against a child in the name of honour will be referred
to Children’s Social Care.
Useful links
Tackling violence against women and girls strategy - GOV.UK (
'Honour' Based Abuse (
LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) – Managing allegations against staff,
carers, and volunteers
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we understand that relevant procedures should be applied when
there is an allegation that a person who works with children has:
Behaved in a way which has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;
Possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to, a child;
Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates that they may pose a risk of harm
to children;
Behaved, or may have behaved, in a way towards a child or adult that indicates they may pose
a risk of harm to children.
The issue could also be about the behaviour of an individual outside of their work environment, and
which would raise concerns about their suitability to work with children. For example, where a
domestic abuse incident has taken place or where there are concerns about the individual's own
We will follow DSCP procedures and where appropriate will make a referral to LADO within 24
hours/1 working day of the allegation being made. If the concerns are more urgent in regard to the
safety of the child, a referral to the Police and/or Children’s Social Care will be made.
Where there is uncertainty as to if LADO thresholds have been met, we will call the LADO for advice.
See Allegations against staff policy.
Useful links
Responding to Allegations Against Staff, Carers or Volunteers (
Allegations against adults working with children referral form (LADO) - City of Doncaster Council
Local Authority Designated Officer - City of Doncaster Council
Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
LGBTQ+ support
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School the DSL understands how to support young people and families
to access LGBTQ+ support through family and Youth Hubs. Young people requiring additional support
may access CAMHS provision or School Nursing services.
For details of the Youth Group, please email:
The school curriculum reflects opportunity to explore difference and celebrate diversity and has
resources as listed on the Stonewall website.
See Equality policy
Sycamore Hall Preparatory School plays a vital role in supporting LGBTQ+ children and young people.
We create an inclusive environment where all learners feel welcome and valued.
• The fact that a child or young person may be LGBTQ+ is not in itself an inherent risk factor for
harm. However, children who are LGBTQ+ can be targeted by other children. In some cases, a
child who is perceived by other children to be LGBTQ+ (whether they are or not) can be just as
vulnerable as children who identify as LGBTQ+
• Risks can be compounded where children who are LGBTQ+ lack a trusted adult with whom
they can be open. It is therefore vital that staff endeavour to reduce the additional barriers
faced and provide a safe space for them to speak out or share their concerns with members of
• LGBTQ+ inclusion is part of the statutory Relationships Education, Relationship and Sex
Education and Health Education curriculum and our school/setting will access the range of
support available to help counter homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and abuse.
Stonewall also has guidance for schools and settings on supporting LGBTQ+ children and young
people. The school will continue to work in partnership with families and agencies to ensure all
children and young people feel supported and our LGBTQ+ community feel safe
Useful links
Schools & colleges | Stonewall
Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education - GOV.UK (
Online Safety
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we will ensure that in accordance with KCSIE 2023, appropriate
filters and monitoring systems are in place and regularly reviewed to protect children/young people
when they are online in school. We will follow the guidance in KCSIE 2023 and ensure that all staff will
receive training on the expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities in relation to filtering and
monitoring on school devices and networks. With support from the Headteacher, and Senior
Leadership Team, the DSL will take responsibility for understanding the filtering and monitoring
systems and processes in place.
Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we will adhere to the filtering and monitoring standards set by
The Department for Education. Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges -
Filtering and monitoring standards for schools and colleges - Guidance - GOV.UK (
• identify and assign roles and responsibilities to manage filtering and monitoring systems.
• review filtering and monitoring provision at least annually.
• block harmful and inappropriate content without unreasonably impacting teaching
• and learning.
• have effective monitoring strategies in place that meet their safeguarding needs
If there are any immediate safeguarding concerns in respect of online usage, the DSL will follow the
appropriate safeguarding procedures.
Please see other policies linked to Online Safety (E-Safety and Cyber Bullying)
Useful links
Appropriate Filtering and Monitoring - UK Safer Internet Centre
Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges - Cyber security standards for
schools and colleges - Guidance - GOV.UK (
Cyber security training for school staff - NCSC.GOV.UK
Protecting children from online abuse | NSPCC Learning
Operation to support Afghan and Ukrainian arrivals in the UK
DSLs will consult with appropriate professionals regarding Afghan and Ukrainian arrivals following
guidance, which can be found at:
Education and childcare: Homes for Ukraine - GOV.UK (
For more information about supporting Ukrainian arrivals in the UK:
Situation in Ukraine: Information for guests, sponsors and families - City of Doncaster Council
Our school will:
• Provide bilingual support to enable children to access the full curriculum
• Provide pastoral care for those children who need it
• Provide a Key Person in school who will liaise with families and their sponsors as required
• Be aware of vulnerabilities for the children and seek advice where needed.
Power to Search – searching, screening and confiscation
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that children/young people may bring prohibited
items onto the school site. To ensure the safety of all children/young people and staff on site,
Headteachers and staff authorised by them, have a statutory power to search pupils or their
possessions, without consent, where they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil may
have a prohibited item. School staff can also search a pupil for any item if the pupil agrees.
Prohibited items are:
• knives or weapons
• alcohol
• illegal drugs
• stolen items
• tobacco and cigarette papers
• fireworks
• pornographic images
• any article that is suspected to have been used or is likely to be used to commit an offence, or
to cause personal injury to or damage to the property of any person
• banned items
School staff can seize any prohibited item found as a result of a search. They can also seize any item
they consider harmful or detrimental to school discipline.
Where there are safeguarding concerns, staff will follow the appropriate safeguarding procedures and
where required will call the police.
Useful Links
Searching, screening and confiscation at school - GOV.UK (
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that all schools and colleges are subject to a duty
under section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (the CTSA 2015), in the exercise of
their functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
This duty is known as the Prevent duty.
All DSL/DDSL and Senior Leaders at Sycamore Hall Preparatory School have familiarised themselves
with Prevent duty guidance: for further education institutions in England and Wales - GOV.UK
( and are aware of local procedures for making a referral.
All staff know how to recognise and respond to any behaviour that could link to
radicalisation/extremism. Any concerns will be reported using the appropriate safeguarding
See Prevent Policy
Useful links
Private Fostering
If a child or young person, anyone aged under 16 years old or 18 years old if they are disabled, is
being cared for by someone other than a parent or close relative for more than 28 days then they are
being privately fostered. Legally parents must inform the Local Authority if their child is living with a
private foster carer six weeks prior to the arrangement beginning, or within 48 hours in emergency
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School staff recognise that they have a statutory duty to encourage
parents to notify the Local Authority of a private fostering arrangement and to follow this up by
reporting to the Local Authority.
Useful links
Private Fostering in Doncaster A guide for professionals.pdf (
Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
Suicide Prevention
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School staff are trauma informed and know where to signpost in order
to support children/young people and families who are affected by suicide.
Policies relating to this
Mental Health Policy
Useful Links
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (
Contacting Childline | Childline
Doncaster Samaritans
Support After Suicide
Supporting children/young people at risk
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that both children’s mental and physical health are
relevant to safeguarding. Staff should consider when mental health issues might become a
safeguarding concern.
We also recognise the additional safeguarding challenges SEND children can face and the potential
barriers to identifying abuse and neglect in this group of children. This might include:
• assumptions that indicators of abuse such as behaviour, mood and injury relate to the child’s
disability without further exploration;
• the potential for children with SEND being disproportionally impacted by behaviours such as
bullying, without outwardly showing any signs; and
• communication barriers and difficulties in overcoming these barriers.
See SEND and Mental Health policies
The use of ‘reasonable force’ in schools and colleges
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that there are circumstances when it is
appropriate for staff in schools and colleges to use ‘reasonable force’ to safeguard children. The term
‘reasonable force’ covers the broad range of actions used by staff that involve a degree of physical
contact to control or restrain children. This can range from guiding a child to safety by the arm, to
extreme circumstances such as breaking up a fight or where a child needs to be restrained to prevent
violence or injury. ‘Reasonable’ in these circumstances means ‘using no more force than is needed’.
The use of force may involve either passive physical contact, such as standing between pupils or
blocking a pupil’s path, or active physical contact such as leading a pupil by the arm out of the
classroom. Keeping children safe in education 2023 (
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we will:
• Only use ‘reasonable force’ as a last resort, and the staff who are likely to use ‘reasonable
force’ will be appropriately trained.
• Log all incidents where ‘reasonable force’ has been used and inform parents/carers.
• Recognise the additional vulnerability of children with SEND, mental health problems or
medical conditions when using ‘reasonable force.’
See Behaviour policy
Useful links
Use of reasonable force in schools - GOV.UK (
Reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention - GOV.UK (
All staff and volunteers should feel able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice and know
that such concerns will be taken seriously by the leadership team.
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School all staff are aware of the Whistleblowing policy and know what
to do if there are concerns about safeguarding practices within the setting.
Where a staff member feels unable to raise an issue with their employer or feels that their genuine
concerns are not being addressed, other whistleblowing channels are open to them.
• Contact the Safeguarding Adviser or LADO at City of Doncaster Council
• If the concerns relate to the Headteacher/Principal, these should be raised with Mr. G. Grassi,
telephone 07868443524
• Ofsted may request that the Local Authority investigate any whistleblowing concerns
Useful links
Whistleblowing Advice Line | NSPCC
Whistleblowing procedure for maintained schools - GOV.UK (
Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work (
Young Carer’s Service
At Sycamore Hall Preparatory School we recognise that a young carer is a child or young person who
provides regular and on-going care and emotional support to a family member with physical or
mental health problems, has a disability, or misuses drugs or alcohol.
Staff understand that the key feature of being a 'young carer' is that caring responsibilities continue
over time and can make a young carer vulnerable, when the level of care and their responsibility to
the person they look after, becomes excessive or inappropriate and risks impacting on emotional or
physical wellbeing, educational achievement, and life chances.
Staff are aware that Doncaster has a team of workers who can support children who are identified as
being Young Carers. They can be contacted on 01302 736099 or by email
Useful links
Young Carers - City of Doncaster Council
Young carers | Barnardo's (
This Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed and updated annually.
When reviewing all your policies, schools/settings need to refer to the latest DfE guidance on policies
required by Law – see DfE website for full list of requirements and details.
Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts - GOV.UK (
The full DfE document also covers how often each policy must be reviewed and shows the level of
approval required, where this is prescribed in regulations. There are instances where statutory
guidance states that policies and procedures should be in place. Although this is not the same as a
legal requirement, the full DfE document makes clear the policies referenced in statutory guidance.
Revised: 12th July 2023
Author: Jo Howe – Learning Standards Adviser - Safeguarding
Review date: July 2024 (or when changes occur)